GALLERY crossing


  • CV

INATOMI Junsuke, "What does it mean to be beautiful?" 2023, ceramic

INATOMI Junsuke, "What does it mean to be beautiful?" 2023, ceramic

INATOMI Junsuke, "What not to lose" 2023, ceramic

INATOMI Junsuke, "chain of principles" 2023, ceramic, plaster, wood panel

INATOMI Junsuke, 2021, ceramic

INATOMI Junsuke, 2021, ceramic

Born in Osaka Prefecture in 1981. 2007 Kyoto University of Art and Design, Graduate School, Master of Arts program completed. Through his creative work, Junsuke Inatomi has never stopped asking himself, "What is beauty?" These ceramic works are the artistic byproducts of his likely never-ending journey of discovery. He creates his works by stacking together layers of Ray of hope inside his spiritual world. Then he burns them down, and they turn to ashes and disappear. From those ashes, he creates another work, and then repeats the process. At the end of the cycle of stacking and destroying, and then rebuilding, is the final composition. His work, once described as almost crystalline entities, innocent, pure, and ray of hope, has in recent years, with the donning of a layer of chaos, tension, and a veil of darkness, grown into a more profound expression of white. When confronted with his powerful works, which seem to slither on the ground as they ascend to the heavens, you may be able to take a peek into the abyss of "beauty" on which Junsuke Inatomi's gaze is fixed.


  • Junsuke INATOMI

    2021.10.30[Sat] - 2021.11.14[Sun]

    Ray of hope, and Ash

  • Junsuke INATOMI

    2020.2.29[Sat] - 2020.3.8[Sun]



  • 2021
    "Ray of hope and ash",GALLERY crossing, Gifu, Japan
    "solo exhibition", wad+, Osaka, Japan
  • 2020
    "fresco", tonoto, Kyoto, Japan
    "Charming Man", pragmata, Tokyo, Japan
    "Pilgrimage",GALLERY crossing, Gifu, Japan


  • 2022
    "Modern Japan Craft 22'",Public Record, Auckland, New Zealand
  • 2021
    "Zoku Kyu tai",10watts field & gallery, Yokohama, Japan
  • 2020
    "Modern Japan Craft 20'", Public Record, Auckland, New Zealand